2013年7月8日 星期一


所以, 去年下半年, 聯絡一位老師, 帶女兒去上小提琴課


深覺老師固然認真, 上課卻不妥,
於是聯絡另一位老師, 跟第二位老師又上了幾次, 到農曆過年

過年後, 再去上小提琴課, 原本隱隱感到這位老師不妥之處終於表面化,
由於女兒也同意跟我上課, 從那時起, 我們一起練習小提琴到現在,
每周上課兩到三次, 練習了許多事,
而且, 覺得欲罷不能

只是, 都傾向於 "改作業",
上課先檢查作業, 通過了, 再規定新作業
兩位各有兩三本作業, 也就是音階練習與曲子,
每次上課, 最重要的總是拉得正確
正確的標準, 基本上不外乎音符, 拍子, 弓的方向分弓連弓指法等等

我並不反對老師改作業, 但我自己不愛改作業,
當然, 老師有判斷的立足點與標準,
可是, 都是依據樂譜,
問題是, 樂譜的內容和音樂的內容差距很大,
女兒上了幾個月小提琴課, 除了樂譜畫上記號寫上評語,
反正也 "見過世面" 了, 經歷過有頭有臉的小提琴課,
於是也就喊停, 不再交作業改作業

不交作業改作業, 那到底是作甚麼?
上完課, 我們還用 e-mail 紀錄並且消化當天作的事,
女兒居然也會期待收到關於上課拉琴的 e-mail, 還真有趣

幾個月下來, 不知不覺累積了四五十封 e-mail,
雖然我們也用到樂譜, 但比起之前跟老師上課,

以下是其中一封 e-mail


Hula Hoop 6/28/2013

--The whole body is connected and each part is
   affected by others (more than what appears to be).

--There is no "rule" about how you should play the violin,
   but there are principles of how body works in
   healthy way, I just don't think playing the violin
   has to be unhealthy.

--In the picture (of you with the violin) attached,
   the bow goes very well, however your neck somehow
   "sticks out" with maybe too much effort to hold the violin,
   and this also causes tightness of left shoulder and
   left arm.

--Even the bow goes well initially, if the "unhealthy"
   movement or position is too strong,
   it takes away bow movement quickly.

*The arms, the bow, and the violin make a flexible
  "Hula Hoop" going around the neck (and the body).
*It is the bow that drives this Hula Hoop, not left hand,
  the bow "pulls" left hand through the Hula Hoop to
  make "round and flowing" sound.

*To keep a hula hoop going, you can't bend your body,
  the body maintains up-right but also flexible basically,
  during the motion.

*The neck to hula hoop of violin playing is like
  the body to a real hula hoop, the neck needs to be upright
  and flexible, which, is also pretty healthy~

Pierre Fournier and his elegant hula hoop


