2016年9月16日 星期五



上面這種鋼琴曲, 對 WA Mozart 而言當然輕而易舉
聽說他還去參加彌撒, 聽過之後把人家樂譜不外傳的彌撒音樂全都默寫出來

咱們身邊似乎沒遇到過這樣的人, 免不了好奇, 是真的嗎?

小提琴家曼紐因 (Yehudi Menuhin) 比較幸運,
親眼目睹他的老師 George Enescu 見到拉威爾 (Maurice Ravel) 帶來剛完成的小提琴奏鳴曲,
兩人視譜試奏一次之後, Enescu 當場闔上樂譜, 和 Ravel 從頭到尾又合奏了一次

我原本不知道有這樣的故事, 只是常常聽 George Enescu 拉小提琴,
他運弓極好極自然, 演奏渾然天成, 有如湧泉, 溫暖入心

他也彈鋼琴, 指揮, 作曲, 寫出極好的作品
難怪, 他老是說腦子裡滿滿的音樂, 旁人都想像不到有多少,

聽過他的作品, 更忍不住驚嘆, 那些沒有寫出來的音樂到底又是如何

有這種腦袋, 真的比較孤獨, 或是寂寞嗎?
就像 Enescu 說的, 周遭的人都體會不到他腦子裡是怎麼回事
Mozart 大概也是這樣

Enescu 雖然是天才, 晚年也堪稱淒涼, 和 Mozart 同是天涯淪落人,
大家常說音樂有助於抒發心情, 可以安撫心神,
動人的音樂, 洗滌心靈....
那為什麼音樂天才如 Mozart 和 Enescu 生活不快樂, 不安穩, 不舒坦呢?

(影片 0:14 開始....)

Patient: I understand storing information...but what makes them function?
           What keeps them going? What makes them feel? Is that what you call the "soul"?

Doctor: You did nothing wrong...except making yourself conspicuous.
             You made the papers...and the Director looks like a fool.

Patient: There are torturers who love Beethoven...who love their children...who go to Mass.
            Man allows that. At the time of killing, animals are more honest.

Doctor: Don't say that. We're not talking about...torturing or killing you...
             I just have to give you medicine.

Patient:  I cannot work here anymore.

Doctor: For a while...

Patient (切開腦子, 喃喃自語...): Where is that afternoon in which he first felt love?
            What traces of the moments of pain and pleasure this man felt?

Doctor: You may be feeling some changes...but don't worry. It's for your own good.
             And I won't abandon you.

Patient (拿著半邊腦子走到水槽邊):
There goes Einstein...there goes Bach...Mr. Nobody...a madman, an assassin...
What do you think, Doctor? Will this drain lead to heaven or hell?

