2009年11月15日 星期日

無限上升的重量 i

Karl Barth 的書  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart  深得我心,


Mozart’s music is not, in contrast to that of Bach, a message,
and not, in contrast to that of Beethoven, a personal confession.
He does not reveal in his music any doctrine and certainly not himself.
The discoveries ostensibly made in both these directions,
especially in his later works, seem to me artificial and not very illuminating.

Mozart does not wish to say anything: he just sings and sounds.
Thus he does not force anything on the listener,
does not demand that he make any decisions, or take any positions;
he simply leaves him free.

Doubtless the enjoyment he gives begins with our accepting that.
On one occasion he called death man’s true best friend,
and he thought daily of death, as his works plainly reveal.
But he does not dwell on it unduly; he merely lets us discover it.
Nor does he will to proclaim the praise of God.
He just does it—precisely in that humility in which he himself is, so to speak,
only the instrument with which he allows us to hear what he hears:
what surges at him from God’s creation, what rises in him,
and must proceed from him.

  • 留言者: 威
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  • 日期: 2009-11-23 17:46:23

  • 沒這回事...."懶" 才是重點所在吧
  • 版主 於 November 24, 2009 01:49 AM 回覆

  • 留言者: noLaDeSign
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  • 日期: 2009-11-25 01:10:11





  • Mozart 似乎真的容易讓人誤會,
    每次看大家把嬉遊曲拉成行軍和暴風雨, 小夜曲弄得像辯論,

    "懶" 是故意寫給小威看的, 都上大學了, 這英文也不難,
    至於沉澱, 那是一輩子的事,
    不過, Mozart 的作品能夠讓沉澱不會沉重,
    所以我的標題呼應 Karl Barth 的話,
    Mozart 的音樂真是無限上升的重量
  • 版主 於 November 25, 2009 03:35 AM 回覆

