2009年11月19日 星期四

無限上升的重量 iii

As Grillparzer has said so beautifully, he was the musician
“who never did too little and never too much,
 who always attains but never exceeds his goal.”

There is no light which does not also know dark,
no joy which does not also have within it sorrow;
but the converse is also true:
no fear, no rage, no plaint which does not have, far or near,
peace at it’s side.

No laughter without tears, no weeping without laughter!
The true listener may regard himself as also called to this freedom--
to see himself as the person he really is:
as the cunning Basilio and the gentle Cherubino,
as the hero Don Giovanni and the coward Leporello,
as the tender Pamina and the raging Queen of the Night,
as the all-forgiving countess and the terrifying, jealous Electra,
as the wise Sarastro and the foolish Papageno.
They lie hidden in all of us.

He may see himself as still living but destined for the grave--
as we all are.

My heart is seething with hellish vengeance,
death and despair are blazing around me!
Unless Sarastro feels the pangs of death at your hands
you are no longer my daughter.
Forever disowned, forever abandoned,
forever destroyed may all ties of nature be,
unless Sarastro dies at your hands!
Hear! Gods of vengeance! Hear a mother's vow!

Ah, I sense it has vanished! The joy of love gone forever!
Hours of delight, you will never come back to my heart again!
See, Tamino, these tears are flowing for you alone, beloved.
If you do not feel love's longing then there will be rest in death!

