2011年10月30日 星期日




*There is no bowing on the same string.
 每一弓所及, 都是全新的琴絃.
*The bow grows longer as the lower body stretches further.
*Practice to give body/mind a break.
*The weight of thoughts bends space/time of motions.
 思想之重, 足以扭曲動作的時空.

*Possession (of our body, knowledge, etc.) causes fear.
*It takes accepting an enemy to accept a musical instrument
 as part of oneself. 琴我之分出自敵意.
*No need to read if the spirit is connected to the world;
 reading shows how restrained the spirit is. 心靈受限, 只好讀書.
*Learning in a rational way limits our spirit.

*The athletic ability of the muscle mainly depends on how relaxed it is.
*Our digits are such huge distractions to our mind.
*A movement starts at the edge of losing balance,
 proceeds with the cycle of losing/regaining balance.
 動作始於即將失去平衡, 持續於失去平衡與重新取得平衡的循環之中.
*Music cannot be trained.

*Where there is value, there is ego.
*Letting go the ego gains control.
*Music can't flow if there is intention to control the instrument.
*All the knowledge could be traced back to sense within our body.
 感知身體, 知識不假外求.

*The ever-changing space within ourselves creates time.
 自身內在空間轉變, 即有時間.
*The task of talent is to get rid of the talent.

  • 留言者: 日安
  • Email:
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  • 日期: 2011-11-02 18:42:47

  • 希望別當這些是 "作文"~
    練習起來都很實際, 沒有天馬行空啦
  • 版主 於 November 6, 2011 11:44 PM 回覆

