2015年5月13日 星期三


半開玩笑跟他說他的分弓 (détaché) 像是在鋸琴

他聽我一說, 很冷靜的回答 "絃鋸斷再換就好了啊!"

但我開始覺得自己老了, 代溝愈來愈深,
時代潮流下, 這種大提琴課遲早要停

不上課, 拉琴真的只能自娛了, 哈哈
所有的細微妙處, 冷暖自知而已,
從運弓到揉絃 (vibrato), 好像無一不是
像 Janos Starker 講到手指打在絃上壓住絃不放鬆而揉絃,
可以說是沒得救了 (dead duck)
但是.....Janos Starker 也已經走了兩年


深入分析, 練習揉絃, 曾幾何時變成有如瘋狂科學家閉門實驗
曾幾何時, 這樣的練習, 被視為 "理想化, 陳義過高, 做不到"

一笑置之就是了, 坦然而去

"What is life to me without thee?
What is left if thou art dead?
What is life; life without thee?
What is life without my love?
What is left if thou art dead?

Eurydice! Eurydice!
Ah, hear me. Oh, answer! Oh answer!
Thy dear lord am I so faithful,
My dear lord am I, who loves thee,
Who doth love thee!

What is life to me without thee?
What is left if thou art dead?
What is life; life without thee?
What is life without my love?
What is left if thou art dead?

Eurydice! Eurydice!
In my dread anguish nought can aid me,
None can comfort.
Earth is cruel, heav'n is cold!

What is life to me without thee?
What is left if thou art dead?
What is life; life without thee?
What is left if thou art dead?
If thou art dead?
If thou art dead?"

聽 Kathleen Ferrier 唱英文版,
再聽 Luciano Pavarotti 唱義大利文

2 則留言:

  1. 我以為只有我被叫過鋸琴........看來大家都一樣啊

    1. 韋廷, 不用說別人, 我也常常在鋸琴,
